Monday, March 1, 2010

Dinner Last Night! Lamb--Tranches de gigot a la tomate(Lamb Leg Steaks With Tomato Sauce)

Cooking this for dinner was relatively easy and quick. Just a few things to prepare.
I had about eight pieces of lamb and I salt and peppered and sprinkled the lamb, with cummin as well. Next in the pan, melt some butter(unsalted), add a little sea salt and a little oil. Throw in some fresh thyme and rosemary as well. Set aside!!
Second pan chop up about three tomatoes(peeled and seeded a Little, five cloves of garlic (take out the germ.) One whole onion chopped finely, mix everything in the pan and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Also, add a little red wine to the mixture, this brings out a sweet flavor for the sauce.
Once done move aside and cover with foil to keep it hot!!
Start pan frying the lamb now and also, add just a dash of red wine! Add a dash of cummin in as well at this time.(Always salt and pepper too.) Cooking around 10 minutes as well, than add the sauce we made to the lamb, cook another 5 to seven minutes. Taste with salt and pepper. Sprinkle a little fresh parsley for color!

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